Function reference

These are very brief and incomplete information. Detailed information can be found in the script files

The following scripts are scripts YOU as the game developer use:


  • udphp_config
    One-time setup script
    Usage: udphp_config(master_ip,master_port,reconnect_intv,timeouts,debug,silent)


  • udphp_createServer
    To be used in the Create event of the server
    Usage: udphp_createServer(udp_server,buffer,player_list)
  • udphp_serverPunch
    To be used in the step event of the server
    Usage: udphp_serverPunch()
  • udphp_serverNetworking
    To be used in the networking event of the server
    Usage: udphp_serverNetworking()
  • udphp_stopServer
    Usage: udphp_stopServer()
    Delete the instance afterwards


  • udphp_createClient
    To be used in the Create event of the client
    Note: Returns client id
    Usage: udphp_createClient(udp_socket,server_ip,buffer,directconnect,directconnect_port)
  • udphp_clientPunch
    To be used in the step event of the client
    Usage: udphp_clientPunch(id)
  • udphp_clientNetworking
    To be used in the networking event of the client
    Usage: udphp_clientNetworking(id)
  • udphp_stopClient
    Usage: udphp_stopClient(client_id)
    Instance should be deleted with the false return value of clientPunch


  • udphp_clientGetServerIP
    [for client] This will return the server ip of this client and should only be used if the client is connected.
    Usage: udphp_clientGetServerIP(client_id)
  • udphp_clientGetServePort
    [for client] This will return the server port of this client and should only be used if the client is connected.
    Usage: udphp_clientGetServerPort(client_id)
  • udphp_playerListIP
    [for server] Get an ip out of a player list entry (see serverCreate for details)
    Usage: udphp_playerListIP(player)
  • udphp_playerListPort
    [for server] Get an port out of a player list entry (see serverCreate for details)
    Usage: udphp_playerListPort(player)
  • udphp_clientIsConnected
    [for client] With this you can check if your client has conncted to the server.
    Usage: udphp_clientIsConnected(client_id)


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