Buffer types

When using mp_add you need to specify a buffer type that specifys as which datatype the information is sent. This is set for all variables in the Variable Groups.

The buffer types are the same as the ones used by Game Maker.



Do not use buffer_text. It's not supported.

Booleans (Reals with 0/1; false/true)


Reals (Numbers)

From the Game Maker manual:

Type Desciption
buffer_u8 An unsigned, 8bit integer. This is a positive value from 0 to 255.
buffer_s8 A signed, 8bit integer. This can be a positive or negative value from -128 to 127 (0 is classed as positive).
buffer_u16 An unsigned, 16bit integer. This is a positive value from 0 - 65,535.
buffer_s16 A signed, 16bit integer. This can be a positive or negative value from -32,768 to 32,767 (0 is classed as positive).
buffer_u32 An unsigned, 32bit integer. This is a positive value from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
buffer_s32 A signed, 32bit integer. This is a positive value from 0 to 264 - 1.
buffer_u64 An unsigned 64bit integer. This can be a positive or negative value from -(263) to 263 - 1.
buffer_f32 A 32bit float. This can be a positive or negative value within the same range as a 32 bit signed integer.
buffer_f64 A 64bit float. This can be a positive or negative value from -(263) to 263 - 1.

Floats are numbers with commas (3,2), Integers are numbers without (3). When syncing a number with commas as an Integer, the value will be rounded.

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