10. Adding day and night

Now we want to add time and a day and night cycle. Obviously we want to sync the time between all players.

So let's just create a new object, I guess?

...But wait. If we simply sync a time object using the engine, we will end up having one time object per player. For 4 players that means we would have four time objects fighting over each other.

Of course we could tell all objects to only increase the time when it's locally, but then they would all have their own time counter and that would have the same effect of not syncing them at all.

Oh, if there would only be an easy way to fix this...
Oh! Wait! There is!

You can check if the object was created on the server with htme_isServer(). This way you can add objects that get controlled by the server and synced to each player. You have 1 instance on 4 PCs, instead of 4 instances at 4 PCs.

Let me show you how this works.

Create a new object called htme_obj_time. Add the following code to the beginning of the create event:

if (!htme_isServer()) {

Let's prevent I'm a client:
I create the instance, see that I'm not the server, instantly destroy it and then recieve the instance from the server controlled by the server.


After that bit of code we add the code to add our new object to the engine, which is of course never executed when created clientside:

//And at the end we set the time to 1000 - this will be noon
self.time = 1000;

This way the clients recieve the time every 20 seconds. We are going to program the counter so, that it counts up, even clientside. That means each player's game counts up on their own, and the server corrects the time if neccessary.

Because we used mp_add we need to add the following code to begin step:


And this to end step

self.time = mp_map_syncOut("time", self.time);

The two things left are counting the time up and actually doing something with it.

Increasing the time

Remember that, because we use mp_add, all changes to our time variable need to be made before mp_map_syncIn is called. Because of that, create a new code block in position 1 of begin step:

///Increase the time. If time is greater than 2000, set to zero.
if (self.time > 2000) self.time = 0;

This will count up our time to 2000 which is midnight, and then reset it to 0, which is also midnight. 1000 is noon.

If you want to perform actions on these server controlled instances only by the server use if (htme_isLocal()) {}. Everything inside this statement will only be executed by the server.

Day and night

Paste the following code into the Draw-Event. This will change the background color in the first room depending on time and display the time. Room 2 will be interior.

///Draw background
if (room == htme_rom_demo) {
    //Draw night/day
    //This is not a good way of doing it, but I'm not in the mood for that :D
    if (self.time == 0) {
       var bgcolor = make_colour_hsv(170,185,0);
    } else if (self.time <= 1000) {
       var bgcolor = make_colour_hsv(170,185,255/100*(self.time)/10);
    } else if (self.time == 1001) {
       var bgcolor = make_colour_hsv(170,185,255);
    } else if (self.time <= 2000) {
       var bgcolor = make_colour_hsv(170,185,255/100*(1000-self.time)/10);
    //Draw time as debug on screen
    draw_text(room_height-70,70,"Time: "+string(self.time));
} else {

That's not right...

Now when testing what we just did, you might realize that it doesn't work right. Even if you set htme_obj_time to be persistent, the time object just vanishes sometimes. Let's take a look again at our nice table again:

The nice table

As you can see in this table, if the server is A and A is in Room 2, the time object will simply disappear on all clients. Or if the server is in Room 1 and the client(s) in Room 2. And if you don't even set it to be persistent, it even disappears for the server if he is in Room 2. A nightmare!

That's not good! We want our new time object to allways exist, no matter what!

So, first, set htme_obj_time to be persistent. Now, after the mp_sync(); in the create event add this:


This tells the engine to keep this instance alive, no matter what. This ONLY works if the object is persistent!

When we add this to our table, things look like this:

The even nicer table

As you can see, with stayAlive enabled, the instance always exists.


Time and day is done. Test it out!

We are now ready for the final chapter...: A chat system...

» Next topic: Creating a chat system

« Previous topic: Making an overlay that shows the name of connected players

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Manuals / GMnet ENGINE Manual

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