3. PLUS - Hosting a master server (GMnet GATE.PUNCH)

To use the magic of GMnet PUNCH you need to host a mediation/master/rendevouz server. The server is a small application written in Java that needs to be run on a server with a forwarded/open port.

To explain why you need this, let me explain how the hole punching works:

  • The server connects with the master server (GMnet GATE.PUNCH) and its port and ip get registered.
  • When the clients want to connect to this server, his port and ip also get registered and sent to the server. And the client gets the ip and port of the server.
  • Now both send UDP packets to each other at the same time: The hole is punched.

We need the master server (GMnet GATE.PUNCH) because we need to make the server aware of the fact that a client wants to connect.

The download can be found here:

The server is very basic, feel free to adjust it to your needs.

Currently the server binary listens on port 6510 and there to change it if you don't want to compile the server yourself, but we will add that option in the future.

To start it, run: java -jar gmnet_gate_punch.jar from the folder you saved the server in. Under Windows you might need to replace java with the full installation path of java. Under linux I recommend screen to run it in the background on a server.


For cheap hosting I personally recommend digitalocean. Server start at $0.0015 per hour (5$ per month) and you can cancel at every time.

Google yourself a promo code and you might get two months for free. There are also tutorial on how to set up java on these servers. They are basically linux servers with complete access.

If you want to use digitalocean, please use this code to register:

Some tutorials:

If you want to know how to login to the server:

For some basic commands and stuff:

If you want to install java:

For transfering the master server: [You can skip the stuff with the keyfile and everything. Simply install filezilla and connect to sftp://yourip with your username and password]

When you are done simply execute java -jar gmnet_gate_punch.jar

As I said, I recommend install screen, it allows you to run commands even if you are not logged in, running in the background and you can just switch to them at any time:

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