Bonus 5 - RPC

RPCs (Remote procedure calls) are used to execute scripts/code/functions remotely.

For the engine this means RPC enables you to execute scripts on other clients / servers. After you finished this part of the tutorial you will have a fully functional way of calling scripts via the network.

This tutorial will also show you how to send the value returned by the RPC-called script back to the game of the player who called it.

WARNING: Please note that this tutorial does not cover any secruity mechanisms. You propably want to restrict which scripts can be executed and who and when clients can execute them and on which targets.

To make RPCs with GMnet ENGINE we will be using the CHAT Interface. Basic knowledge on how to use that is required.

This section is more advanced and good coding skills are required [ don't fear to try it out though :) ]


First we need an object to listen for RPCs and to send RPCs through.

Create an object obj_htme_rpc with the events below, make it persistent and make sure it is created when clients have connected or a server was started, and get destroyed when the engine shuts down.

Create Event


Step Event

var queue = mp_chatGetQueue();
while (ds_queue_size(queue) > 0) {

And create the two scripts htmerpc_recieve and htmerpc_send. The will be used to send and recieve RPC calls. And also create the script htmerpc_callback. This script will later be used to store the values that the RPC-called scripts return.

The RPC protocol

We will now create a protocol to send and recieve the RPCs.

The message

Okay, so let's think about how we can "package" our RPCs.

Each RPC needs to contain a script name and it's argument. And each RPC has one recipient that should execute the command.

Let's use a ds_map for this. GameMaker allows you to convert ds_maps into JSON which can be sent over the network and then be decoded again.

Our message will be a ds_map, turned into a json string with the following contents:

    ds_map =>
       [id] => string
       [script] => string
       [argument_count] => real
       [argument0] => string or real (optional)
       [argument1] => string or real (optional)
       [argument12*] => string or real (optional)

id is used to identify the RPC calls. You will see why this is important later.

When we later convert these ds_maps into JSON, the message will look like this:

{"id":"foo","script":"scr_myscript","argument_count":2,"argument0":12.3,"argument1":"Hello World"}

* Only 13 arguments can be used as the script htmerpc_send we will create now can only take in 16 arguments, and two of them are used for other things

Creating a script to send messages

We are now going to write htmerpc_send. This script should be used anywhere to send RPC commands.
This script will need:

  • The id of this RPC call. This is used to get the value that the script that was executed using this call later.
  • The script to execute
  • A target player (where the script should be executed)
  • The arguments

So let's fill the script with this:

/* Sends RPC calls to another player */

 * Turn script into a string. You call this function with (htmerpc(my_script,...); 
 * my_script will be turned into a number by Game Maker that identifies this script, 
 * we turn this into a string to send it over the network, because if you use 
 * different versions of your game, this id might not be the same for the same script.
var rid = argument[0]; 
var script = script_get_name(argument[1]); 
var to = argument[2]; //Hash of the player to send this to
var rpc_argument;
if (argument_count > 3) rpc_argument[0] = argument[3];
if (argument_count > 4) rpc_argument[1] = argument[4];
if (argument_count > 5) rpc_argument[2] = argument[5];
if (argument_count > 6) rpc_argument[3] = argument[6];
if (argument_count > 7) rpc_argument[4] = argument[7];
if (argument_count > 8) rpc_argument[5] = argument[8];
if (argument_count > 9) rpc_argument[6] = argument[9];
if (argument_count > 10) rpc_argument[7] = argument[10];
if (argument_count > 11) rpc_argument[8] = argument[11];
if (argument_count > 12) rpc_argument[9] = argument[12];
if (argument_count > 13) rpc_argument[10] = argument[13];
if (argument_count > 14) rpc_argument[11] = argument[14];
if (argument_count > 15) rpc_argument[12] = argument[15];

This "simply" processes the arguments for the script. All arguments for the RPC script get written in the rpc_argument array. You can also do this using a loop by the way, which is far more elegant. We will use argument_count later again to see how many RPC arguments we have.

We actually don't have that much to do now. We create the ds_map...

var rpc_command = ds_map_create();

...fill it...

rpc_command[? "id"] = rid;
rpc_command[? "script"] = script;

//If argument_count is 4, we have 4 arguments, which means 1 rpc argument etc.
var rpc_argument_count = argument_count-3; 
rpc_command[? "argument_count"] = rpc_argument_count;

//Now we loop through all arguments and add them to the list:
for (var i = 0; i < rpc_argument_count; i++) {
    rpc_command[? "argument"+string(i)] = rpc_argument[i];

...and convert it to json:

var message = json_encode(rpc_command);
//After that we don't need the map anymore

That's all. We can now send the message. mp_chatSend allows a second argument called to. This is the hash of the player that should recieve the message. Exactly what we need! We use a with-Block to call the mp_chatSend with our RPC object

with (obj_htme_rpc) {

The message is sent! Let's process it!

Recieving RPCs

What's the point of sending RPCs if we can't recieve them, right?

In the step event we created earlier we already added a call to htmerpc_recieve with a message as argument. Let's create the script.

/* Processes RPC calls*/
var message = htme_chatGetMessage(argument0);
var from = htme_chatGetSender(argument0);

Using htme_chatGetMessage we take the raw message and decode it to get the actual message. We also store the hash of the player that sent the RPC, because at the end of this script we want to send a RPC back containing the returned value of the script. But we'll come to that in a bit.

Let's decode the ds_map:

var rpc_command = json_decode(message);

rpc_command will now contain the ds_map we created earlier. Magic!

Let us waste no time and execute the command. This can be done by combining asset_get_index and script_execute. asset_get_index turns the string that contains the script name back into an id and script_execute executes the command using this id.

Because we also want to process the arguments, this may look a bit ridiculous now, but it works:

var rid = rpc_command[? "id"];
var rpc_argument_count = rpc_command[? "argument_count"];
var result;

if (rpc_argument_count == 0) {
    result = script_execute(asset_get_index(rpc_command[? "script"]));

if (rpc_argument_count == 1) {
    result = script_execute(asset_get_index(rpc_command[? "script"]),rpc_command[? "argument0"]);

if (rpc_argument_count == 2) {
    result = script_execute(asset_get_index(rpc_command[? "script"]),rpc_command[? "argument0"],rpc_command[? "argument1"]);


if (rpc_argument_count == 13) {
    result = script_execute(asset_get_index(rpc_command[? "script"]),rpc_command[? "argument0"],rpc_command[? "argument1"],rpc_command[? "argument2"],rpc_command[? "argument3"],rpc_command[? "argument4"],rpc_command[? "argument5"],rpc_command[? "argument6"],rpc_command[? "argument7"],rpc_command[? "argument8"],rpc_command[? "argument9"],rpc_command[? "argument10"],rpc_command[? "argument11"],rpc_command[? "argument12"]);

And well... that's it. But wait - now we need to send the value that this function returned back.

Returning the value and sending it back

Everything we did so far was fine, but now what if we want to know what the script returned?

Remember the script htmerpc_callback we created earlier? When we are done executing the RPC script we send the returned value we stored in result above back to the sender of the RPC. This script will then tell the author of the original RPC the returned value.

That means:

  1. Player A sends RPC to Player B to run scr_myscript which returns "Hi!".
  2. Player B recieves the RPC, runs the script and stores the value in result.
  3. Player B sends RPC to Player A to run htmerpc_callback with the arguments being the id of the original call and the result.
  4. Player A recieves the RPC, runs the script, notices that it calls htmerpc_callback and therefor stops (otherwise this would be an endless loop).

Step 2 and 4 in script (add to the end of htmerpc_recieve):

//Only send returned value if this RPC isn't already about a returned value (otherwise this would result in an endless loop)
if (rpc_command[? "script"] != "htmerpc_callback") {
    //Send returned value back via RPC
    //The id is not relevant for this because we don't track this RPC - we leave it empty.

//Destroy the map, we don't need it

The recieve-Script is now done. We now need to create htmerpc_callback and add a way to actually get the values.

Storing and retrieving the returned values

But before we do that, we need somewhere to store those values. Let's use our obj_htme_rpc for that and a ds_map. It will have the ids as keys and the returned values as values.

Add it to the create event:

self.returnedValues = ds_map_create();

Okay, so now let's create htmerpc_callback, this script is actually incredibly simple:

/* Reciveves the returned value of RPCs via RPC */


That is all. Whenever a RPC call is sent, it will now add the returned value to the map. You can get it anywhere by using code like this:

///Create event of some object - You can use htme_hash() to generate random ids
self.rpc_id = htme_hash();

///Step event

var returnedValue = ds_map_find_value(obj_htme_rpc.returnedValues,self.rpc_id);

//ds_map_find_value returns undefined if the key was not found -> if the returnedValue has not been recieved
//Please make sure the function actually returns something and returns something other than undefined, otherwise this code will never run.
if (!is_undefined(returnedValue)) {

    //After that make sure to delete the key if you don't need it anymore


That's all!
Here's a basic RPC protocol for you to improve on. Have any ideas? Be sue to leave them in our new forums!

When using this for your game, be sure to include error handlers and a secuity mechanism as explained at the top of the page.

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